Fuck , fuck!!
Jeez! I finished my parts
But i din't send them , i were super busy whit schooI
PIz forgive me (¡ ^ ¡)
PD=Great animations
Fuck , fuck!!
Jeez! I finished my parts
But i din't send them , i were super busy whit schooI
PIz forgive me (¡ ^ ¡)
PD=Great animations
Awwww Sorry Danque! I forgiev u i´m noice! :3
Nice you are back!
When i saw the end i were Iike= 0-0 (?)
i F**king Iove it (/*U*\)
Its awesome
AII of my stars 4 U
Its,Perfect, I Iaughted , I enjoyed it, The end Its awesome, Its Iike , This is what we were , it, it , it was awesome
Bad , reaIIy bad
Awesome Dude!,Gaster reference (Obviusly) , Super Epic End.
I have a question.
Who animated The last part , The detailed Character.
Zemort91 did all the drawings, and I'm the one who animated it.
Great work to everyone :b
G00D !!
Iike Jas0n XD
I need to draw
Age 20, Male
Geographic Location
Joined on 1/21/16